Get Yourself Out of Your Bed Before Your Alarm Does:

Snoozing = low-quality sleep.

One of the hardest parts of the day is just getting up. That act of resisting gravity does something to us.

The key is having a strong enough reason to push yourself out of bed.

Plan this in advance. Write it down in fact. Whether you schedule in an early morning appointment or have a daily routine, it needs to be something motivating.

Once you are out of bed, it’s a different story.

You have to build the momentum you want to carry you through out the day.

This may look like a cup of coffee, your gym clothes layn out, or a good book on your desk. It may look like a early morning sprint or jumping jacks!

Bottom-line, find something that moves you & don’t let it go. Do it on the daily. These routines will turn to habit, and habit will turn to lifestyle.

Here’s how I would arrange for the optimal morning: Create a list the night before what the morning looks like. Visualize it to give it more flow. Have your next day’s breakfast & meal prep thought out. Have a glass of water by the bedside. Consider taking a natural sleep aid like Magnesium or a warm herbal tea. Dim the lights. Focus on small tasks that wrap up the day, slow down in momentum, and low energy.

& Go to sleep when you’re tired. There is a whole new day ahead to geek out at the next chapter of that addicting book or article you’re writing.

Don’t snooze on the importance of getting up when it’s time.


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