Supplementation & the game-changing brand CYMBIOTIKA

What’s in the power of the supplement pill? Supplements can help meet higher nutritional demands of your body given a demanding lifestyle or a potentially lack-luster diet that you have. Even if you are eating the “right foods” per say, supplements can help correct deficiencies in the quality/quantity of that good.

For those who load up on the fruits & veggies, eat lean protein, whole grains etc., it is important to know that environmental conditions have made in in the last century that the soil depletion (from consistently farming the same crop on the land), chemicals, refinements, and preservatives have made it that our food is not as whole as it may seem accordingly to the labels of the grocery story.

According to a National Geographic issue published May 2022, mounting evidence shows “many fruits, vegetables, and grains grown today have less protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and Vitamin C than those grown decades ago” and this is still factoring out the standard American diet is often saturated with refined carbohydrates, sugars, and depleted in essentials like minerals and vitamins needed to stave off disease.

CYMBIOTIKA is one brand changing the way supplementation is approached because of the way it fills nutritional gaps and optimizes the health of the body. The combo of traditional Eastern medicine, research, and innovation leads to CYMBIOTIKA’s high quality products having rapid absorption technology to deliver optimal results.

The 3 products I’ve investing in right now & worth checking out for yourself are:

1) Golden Mind (with L-Theanine, Phosphatidylcholine, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, & other natural extracts and oils)

👉 Boosts cognitive function

👉 Increases focus and alertness

👉 Calms central nervous system

2) Sleep

👉 Encourages stress release

👉 Promotes deep sleep

👉 May help promote more restful nervous system

3) Creatine

👉 Stimulates brain health and cognition

👉 Helps athletic performance & strength

👉 Promotes youthful skin

Try the brand out for yourself and let me know what you think!


“Food Rules” by Michael Pollan- A Quick Summary for You.


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